
Phone Number Matcher

A class that finds and extracts telephone numbers from text.

Getting Started

A search instance can be created by using PhoneNumberUtil::findNumbers()


Returns an instance of PhoneNumberMatcher, which can be iterated over (returning PhoneNumberMatch objects).

It searches the input $text for phone numbers, using the $defaultRegion. There are also optional parameters to set the phone number $leniency (look in Leniency for possible values), and the $maxTries to search for the phone number.

$phoneNumberUtil = \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();

$text = "Hi, can you ring me at 1430 on 0117 496 0123. Thanks!";

$phoneNumberMatcher = $phoneNumberUtil->findNumbers($text, 'GB');

foreach ($phoneNumberMatcher as $phoneNumberMatch) {
// (PhoneNumber) Country Code: 44 National Number: 1174960123